The institutional version of SuiteRx Intelligent Pharmacy Software (IPS) is a comprehensive solution to the unique needs of a Long Term Care Pharmacy and the facilities that they service. Customization is key when it comes to the SuiteRx LTC platform. With our custom MARs, cycle fill options, batch billing & label printing capabilities as well as our inventory and delivery management, our pharmacies experience a more optimized workflow which allows their team to spend more time on what is most important, patient care.
SuiteRx Long Term Care Features:
- Rx Web Portal
- Paperless Faxing
- Cycle Fill
- Delivery Module & eSignature Capture
- Bill Unlimited Prescriptions at a Time
- Inventory Tracking
- Detailed and Customized Facility Reporting
- Auto Populated Prior Authorization Forms
- Automatic Refill Request to Doctor
- SureScript Certified for LTC Messaging
To find out more about the SuiteRx Long Term Care platform or any of the features listed, call or: